Lauren's Peace Corps Experience in Honduras

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and experiences described in this travelogue are mine personally. Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government. I have chosen to write about my experience online in order to update family and friends; I am earning no money whatsoever from this endeavor. Please do not copy or forward any of these contents without my permission.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It´s gettin´ hot in here...

Nothing new going on here...the weather has been rainy the last couple weeks and cold, but now the last couple days it´s been sunny and hot. Around March, April, and May it gets the hottest here in Dulce Nombre, and dryer - the water supply decreases and we only get water in the pipes every few days. I was talking to my friend Lauren Dickson yesterday, and I mentioned I hadn´t been very productive the last few weeks because it had been raining, and she laughed, saying "only someone who has lived down here would understand that statement." It´s true though, when it rains plans just go out the window. I couldn´t supervise stoves because of the mud, and people don´t go to meetings when it´s raining. People just stay inside. So that´s my excuse. Today though I went out, in the hot sun and dust, to go see stoves in two neighborhoods, and tomorrow I´m hopefully gonna finish supervision in Dulce Nombre. I am still waiting on word to go out to Oromilaca, the remote little town where 36 stoves will be made, to do the demonstrations.

This week I am planning to continue helping with preparations for the University of Maine group that comes on Saturday, March 3. We´ve been having extra meetings and also lots and lots of arts and crafts to give them gifts and also things to take back home to sell, and to decorate for a public event we are having while they are here. Other than the supervision, I also am going to give a talk in the schools about dental hygiene and start going to the kindergarten again for our weekly English classes. It´s time to get serious about working - I only have 4 months left! It´s easy to get sucked into a good book one is on your back making sure you are getting things done, but I really wanna tie up loose ends and fulfill any promises I have made while I am here. Sometimes I can´t believe that the time is coming to an end, and it makes me sad. Other times I am really excited about going back and being in a university environment again. So far I have only heard from UGA and Indiana and am waiting on the others. We will see! For me it´s back to sushi, the gym, schedules and stress, and no more leisurely cups of coffee with my neighbor or a nice rainy day where all that stuff I had to do is no longer necessary....


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