Lauren's Peace Corps Experience in Honduras

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and experiences described in this travelogue are mine personally. Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government. I have chosen to write about my experience online in order to update family and friends; I am earning no money whatsoever from this endeavor. Please do not copy or forward any of these contents without my permission.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sounds of Honduras...

- 1:01 am, 2:33 am, 3:51 am, 4:19 am...A rooster´s dry throaty call, over and over again
- Dogs barking, competing with each other
- A turkey´s gobbly gobble
- Car with loudspeaker announcing products for sale, repeated every 24 seconds
- Someone playing with the ring tones of their cell phone
- The incredibly loud honking of the bus, and the earth shaking rumble it produces going by my house up the cobblestoned street
- Kids laughing and playing
- The sound of the water coming back to the pipes...WHOOSH...yay!
- The clip-clop on the cobblestone of a campesino riding by on his horse back to the aldea after a good day´s work
- A herd of cows mooing by
- More roosters
- The damned chicken getting into my backyard again, and then its squawking as I chase it out again...for the millionth time that day
- Everyone on the block´s television turned all the way up
- Everyone on the block´s radio turned all the way up, reggaeton music or the news
- Cheers for the soccer game on TV
- A text message on my cell - yay!
- A soft knocking on the door from a child, asking for water, again.
- The revving up of the engine of the pickup always parked in front of my house
- A firecracker (or gunshot?) going off right outside, shaking the place up...darn kids.
- My neighbor washing clothes next door at the pila
- My pila filling up with water
- The chop-chop of the man cutting back the weeds with his machete
- A car goes by, blasting ranchera, bom bom bom...
- My kitty meowing to be fed
- The water boiling in my pot, ready for a bath
- My computer, playing Nick Drake and Bela Fleck and Jack Johnson...
- An old lady calling "BUENAS" to me on the street
- Kids shouting "LAURITA", "LauREN", "GRINGITA" as I pass by


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