Lauren's Peace Corps Experience in Honduras

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and experiences described in this travelogue are mine personally. Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government. I have chosen to write about my experience online in order to update family and friends; I am earning no money whatsoever from this endeavor. Please do not copy or forward any of these contents without my permission.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Reconnecting with my training group and visit to Pulhupanzak

Hi everyone!

I miss you guys! I kinda want to go home for Christmas but I am not sure yet if I'll have enough vacation days. It sort of depends on if I formally decide to extend my service. The more mom and I talk about it the more we both want me to go home for Christmas and to see the family! But we'll see...

Last week I spent in 'project workshop'. This means I got to see my original training group (minus Jason, Erin, David and Danielle, Lauren D., Jen, Karen and Bryon...who have all had to leave Peace Corps due to varying causes...illness, pregnancy, homesick, or new goals). But the REST of us met up in Siguat last week. Our health and Water-san people were joined by Hondu 8 Health and Water-San so that we could share what we are doing with the newer people, talk about common concerns, and most importantly have fun. Every night we stayed up late talking and playing ping-pong and drinking rum or Salva Vida beers. I didn't get much sleep but it was a great time. The next time I see all of these people so special to me it will be during out Close-of-Service meeting...Peace Corps goes way too fast really. The second night we had our second annual talent show. My friend Mike and I got the thankless task of organizing the acts (bullying people to sign up) and announcing every act with a wittyism on the mike. Like last year, talents surfaced that surprised everyone. I did a Michael Jackson dance with about 15 others, which is always fun, and sang with my friends Eric and Justin (banjo and guitar) from the west...we had practiced a couple times in Santa Rosa...we sang a bluegrass song by Alison Krauss and Union Station called 'Restless' and a bluegrass verson of 'I will survive'...they turned out pretty good I'd say. It was definitely fun though, lots of laughs that night!

On Friday I decided to join up with some people going to the lake on the way home to see the famed waterfall Pulhapanzak and the gringo-owned beer brewery which rumor as it had blueberry products as well as mango beer, blueberry beer, and many others. So Ben, Sarah, Ely, Eric, Suzanne, and I got a nice cheap cabin at Agua Azul on the lake and were off. After about 10 bus changes that day we got to the waterfall which was beautiful. I didn't feel like climbin down the slippery slope to walk under the falls in my tractionless shoes, so I stayed up top and went swimming with Ben and Sarah in the muddy waters. Afterwards we stripped out on the open (backs turned) and changed to try to make it to D & D Brewery before dark. We make it and had a great dinner in the laidback atmosphere and I took away some homemade blueberry jam. It was a fun detour after the workshop but I was tired after many late nights and was glad to go back west with Eric and Sarah the next day.

Now I'm back in town for a while! Please write, people...even though I am an old pro now I enjoy letters and emails from you!


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