Lauren's Peace Corps Experience in Honduras

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed and experiences described in this travelogue are mine personally. Nothing written here should be interpreted as official or unofficial Peace Corps literature or as sanctioned by the Peace Corps or the U.S. government. I have chosen to write about my experience online in order to update family and friends; I am earning no money whatsoever from this endeavor. Please do not copy or forward any of these contents without my permission.

Monday, January 10, 2005

My Wish List

Hi everyone :)

One week until staging! I can't believe it. Pleeeeease pray for me! I am really excited and really nervous at the same time. I'll need all of your support so much.

A few of you have been asking what you can send me to raise the spirits. Though I'm not really sure what I'm going to miss the most, I can give you a few ideas.

First of all, I have a wish list at full of books and CDs I would love - Go to - click on "Wish List" at the top of the page - and type in "Lauren Mohlie" to access my wishlist :) Thanks in advance!

Generally, I would love to be sent:
- Good reading books!!
- Letters!!
- CDs
- Pictures from your life
- Taped episodes of Lost, The OC, and reruns of Friends and Sex and the City
- Chai tea and sleepytime tea
- Good smelling soaps and candles
- Face/body wipes
- Milano cookies
- Vegetable Thin crackers and Wheat Thins
- Health/Energy bars
- Magazines: Newsweek, Time, Cosmo, etc.
- Interesting newspaper articles
- Word jumbles, word search, and not-too-hard crossword puzzles
- Seasonal decorations for my house/apartment
- Good pens and markers
- Recipes with some ingredients; Spices

(**See post titled "It's becoming real, staging and contact info" for my mailing address and helpful tips for sending a package to me; in general, use air mail).

That's all I can think of right now. I'll add to this list after I arrive in Honduras. Of course, you don't have to send me stuff unless it's on your heart to...what I'll really look for are letters!


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